Carbon Zero

Here at Wanaka TOP 10 we actively take steps to better understand our impact on our surrounding environment.

Our Commitment Statement:

As an accommodation provider in Wanaka that welcomes many travellers to our beautiful area, we are striving to be more respectful of the impact our business has on our local environment. Ultimately, we would like to encourage our staff, guests & contractors to join us on this journey. 

Currently, we are working on calculating our carbon output and most recently, Andrea & Caitlin attended a carbon calculation workshop, run as a part of the 2021 WAO summit held here in Wanaka. Here we could input our data relating to scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and calculate our gross emissions for a 12 year period.

Our results

88.24 tCO2e (tonnes of Co2 equivalent emissions), which covers our direct and indirect emissions.

Through this, we are able to track our carbon emissions and keep ourselves accountable. Now to reduce this carbon footprint, we are working hard to be an ‘informed consumer.’

This includes:

  1. Ensuring the companies we use for power, waste, laundry, gas, and cleaning supplies have environmental policies which align with our own goals.
  2. We have recycling stations around the park.
  3. Food waste compost bins are available for all guests. This compost is then used on-site to grow vegetables throughout the year for the owners and staff.
  4. A ‘skip a service’ to donate scheme, has been operating since September 2021. This policy offers guests in our motel units to skip their daily service, to donate $2 to a local Million Metres Streams Project. This project is due to end in March 2022 but we intend to continue collecting donations and support another local project.


How you can help

  • Energy & water saving: Turn off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, re-use towels by drying them on our clothes lines, close doors during cold weather to keep heat in, and limit the amount of time you spend in the shower.
  • Recycling & compost:  Sort your rubbish and recycling correctly, ensuring the recycling products are clean. Compost all suitable food waste.
  • Be a conscientious traveller in our area to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy it as much as you do now.